The Qatar Meteorology Department (QMD) has forecasted the formation of clouds that could bring rain starting Wednesday, August 21, 2024. These cloud formations are expected to persist through the weekend, until Saturday, August 24. The possibility of rain is highest in the afternoon hours.
On Tuesday, August 20, scattered showers were observed offshore in Qatar, indicating a shift in weather patterns. However, despite the potential for rain, the overall weather will remain extremely hot, with temperatures ranging between 99°F (37°C) and 102°F (39°C) from August 21 to August 24.
من المتوقع تشكل سحب محلية من يوم الغد الأربعاء 21/8/2024 وخلال عطلة نهاية الاسبوع قد تكون ممطرة خلال فترة الظهيرة #قطر
— أرصاد قطر (@qatarweather) August 20, 2024
Local clouds are expected to form from tomorrow Wednesday 21/8/2024 and during the weekend, maybe rainy during the afternoon.#Qatar
The extended weather forecast for Doha shows a mix of sunny, cloudy, and partly cloudy conditions, with a low probability of precipitation, ranging from 0% to 5%.
As temperatures soar, the QMD advises residents and visitors to stay hydrated and limit outdoor activities during peak daytime hours. Despite the slight chance of rain, the weather in Qatar will continue to be predominantly hot and dry.
News Source: Qatar Meteorology Department.
Featured Image Credit: Canva
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Owais Qarni is the cofounder and author at Qatariscoop. A Dreamer, Explorer And Optimist! His work focuses on creating informative and engaging content, offering fresh perspectives on topics relevant to both local and global audiences.
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