Keep It Clean: Qatar’s Essential Littering and Waste Disposal Laws Explained

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Qatar litter and waste fines
Image Credit: Canva

In Qatar, strict regulations regarding littering and waste disposal are enforced under Law No. 18 of 2017 on Public Hygiene. The penalties for various littering offenses include:

  • General Littering: Throwing tissue paper, waste, or spitting in public spaces incurs a fine of QR 200.
  • Food Waste: Leaving food scraps in public areas such as parks or beaches results in a QR 100 fine.
  • Waste Disposal: Disposing of garbage bags outside designated containers or public shops carries a penalty of QR 10,000.
  • Construction Waste: Leaving or dumping construction and demolition waste in non-designated areas also results in a fine of QR 10,000.
  • Serious Violations: More severe offenses, such as dumping waste in public areas or failing to comply with public hygiene regulations, can lead to fines of up to QR 25,000 and possible jail time of up to six months.

These fines are part of a broader initiative by the Ministry of Municipality and Environment to promote public cleanliness and environmental responsibility in Qatar.

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